Directions For Use
DO NOT use on sheep less than 4 weeks after shearing.
DO NOT dilute.
DO NOT mix with any other product.
DO NOT re-treat animals for a minimum of 9 weeks after last treatment.
DO NOT apply at the same time as any other backline product.
DO NOT apply during gusty or windy weather as spray drift may reduce the period of protection. It is good agricultural practice for mulesing/marking to be carried out at times of minimal fly activity. Reduced efficacy may occur in sheep affected with dermatophilosis. Significant soiling with dags, mud, dust or urine may reduce efficacy. Where significant dags are present, a light crutching is indicated prior to treatment. Protection period may be reduced if sheep scour heavily following application.

Critical Comments
- Use only a spray-on applicator recommended by Elanco.
- Ensure the applicator gun is dean.
- Calibrate applicator gun using an accurate volume measure.
- Ensure all areas to be protected are treated.
- When preventing body strike ensure bands overlap along the midline (Diagram 1).
- When protecting mulesing wounds from fly strike, take special care to treat the wound and the surrounding 25 mm of wool (Diagram 2).
- When protecting marking wounds from fly strike, take special care to treat the wound and surrounding wool (Diagram 3).
- This product is not recommended for treating existing strikes. Use a product registered as a dressing for existing strikes (e.g. Extinosad™ Eliminator, Extinosad™ Aerosol).
- Heavy rain following the application of this product could diminish the period of protection.
- CLiKTM Extra Spray-On contains a scourable colouring agent for easy band identifÌcation.
- Withholding periods must be observed following application of CLiKTM Extra Spray-On for any purpose including after mulesing/marking as finite residues will occur.

Recommended Applicators
Use only an Elanco approved applicator. DO NOT USE any other applicator.
1. 15 mL CLiKTM Applicator fitted with a fan spray nozzle for sheep within the 21–30 kg weight band where a treatment band of 12 mL is required.
2. 10 mL CLiKTM Applicator fitted with a fan spray nozzle for sheep where a treatment band ≤ 10 mL is required, and for mulesing and marking application.
3. 30 mL Genesis Power Doser™ fitted with a fan spray nozzle.
A fan spray nozzle must be used to ensure that all areas of the sheep prone to flystrike are protected. After use wash with warm, soapy water and rinse with clean water.
1. Refer to registered labels.
2. Wardhaugh, K.G. et al. (2001). Factors affecting the incidence of flystrike in sheep – a description and analysis of data from three separate areas in eastern Australia. Proceedings of FLICS – Flystrike and lice IPM control strategies – a national conference, Launceston, Tasmania, 25–27 June 2001.
3. Tyrell, L.D. et al. (2014). Breech-strike on mulesed, clipped and unmulesed Merino ewes and hoggets in south-eastern Australia. Aust Vet J 92(9):348–356.
4. Insecticide resistance in sheep blowfly larvae.